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Dione Solar Energy provides Engineering, Project Planning and Installation services in the field of Energy with its strong staff. We provide high quality services in the fields of SPP Roof Facade and Land Applications, SPP Technical Consultancy Services, SPP Project Management Services, SPP Periodic Maintenance and Repair Services, All Other SPP Applications. We ensure the effective use of all your energy investments implemented with energy efficiency.

01. SPP Cost

The solar energy system you want to install on the roof of your business is designed for each customer and project-based studies are carried out. It would be more accurate to examine the turnkey installation price of solar energy systems rather than solar panel prices.

02. How to Care and Cleaning?

As Dione Solar Energy, we recommend maintenance and cleaning of solar energy systems every 6 months. Maintenance and cleaning service is provided by us.

03. How Long is the SPP Warranty Period?

Solar panels come with a 10-year product warranty and a 25-year minimum efficiency guarantee. The product warranty of solar inverter products is 5 years.